Hands down, Tom Binns is my most favorite jewelry designer. His designs are so amazing and always unexpected. I am consistently mesmerized by what he does! But alas, it is definitely not within my usual price range. I completely fell in love with his classic necklaces with neon touches last summer when I saw a window display filled with them at Henri Bendel. It was breathtaking, I wish I had taken a picture of it. I quickly went out and bought a bunch of necklaces and neon paint and made neon jewelry for myself. I was once again mesmerized when I got the last issue of
Vogue in the mail about a month ago. There was this lovely, classic, chunky necklace with neon green safetly pins through it. I quickly remembered all the safety pins I save each week from my laundry. I never use them, yet I feel wasteful throwing them away. Good thing, because I immediately dug out my neon paints and painted them all! Below are pictures of last summers neon necklaces and the safety pin pearl necklace I recently made. I think I am going to try and find some other faux diamond necklaces to weave in with it as well, it needs something else. A lot of something else. But it's a start.

While I was googling images for this post, I came across the two below. Defintely more DIY Tom Binns inspiration. I love those watches so much! He is just genius.
There are some really amazing pieces in the archive section on his

Whoa, I'm obsessing over those watches. I'd wear all three at once.
darlign well done! love the diy piece with the neon safety pins,how clever. I defo see the Tom Binns inspiration dear!Its perfect for this season as neon is big for spring/summer.
muah x
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